in honor of...     Elvin F. Knotts      

~ Iowa Aviation Hall of Fame Inductee ~
July 17, 1998


Within each human being, there lies a reservoir of ability.

Some choose to dip into that reservoir only in the company of necessity.

Others grasp from their reservoir freely, knowing that in the using of their ability there is satisfaction.

And a few of the special ones figure out how to make their reservoir grow; and in the growing it gradually lifts them up to a place of high honor and achievement.

My dad is one of those special ones, and it is to him that we dedicate these pages.  Thanks, Dad, for the lessons you've taught us about persistence, strength and love. 



Iowa Aviation Hall of Fame Growing Up Years Air Force Years NASA Years Retirement Years
Home Page Growing Up Years Air Force Years NASA Years Retirement Years
Family For Grandpa EN00370A.gif (3490 bytes)
Family For Grandpa Scrapbook

Note:  This web site contains a number of graphic images and some pages may take a while to download.   I hope you will agree with my judgement that, in these cases, the wait is well worth it.  Thank you in advance for your patience.  Enjoy the site.

Why a Web Site?  This Web Site was created to celebrate the achievements of Elvin F. Knotts on a world-wide platform.  Anyone, anywhere in the world with internet access can open this site, read about my dad, see pictures, and hopefully be encouraged.  You can send him a note of congratulations at

This is a WebWink website.   Direct questions or comments to .