Elvin F. Knotts -- Retirement Years


Elvin Knotts retired from Rockwell eight years ago on December 31, 1990.  Since that day, he has lounged around on the couch, traded in his computer for a remote control, and lost all social contact.

Not really! (Got you, Dad!)  As you would expect, Elvin Knotts has carried his 'Achiever Way of Life' on into retirement without missing a step.  He has fervently sought information and applied it to business ventures of his own. 

Of course, it's not all work...  

Since his retirement, Elvin Knotts and his wife, Pat, have done a great deal of traveling.  They've been able to visit family, tour many interesting places and do many of the things they were never able to do in the earlier days. 

They are also expert dancers!  (They've been at it for the last ten years!)  They do square dancing and round dancing, but round dancing has become their favorite.  They go to regular club dances twice a week and week-end round dance festivals every couple of months. 

Elvin Knotts also squeezes in some gardening.  Mom keeps well supplied in beautiful roses and delicious tomatoes.  I guess we shouldn't really call them 'Mom's roses' or 'Mom's tomatoes' when Dad does all the gardening.  (He's not even especially fond of tomatoes.)  But he works diligently with impressive results!

And one of the nicest things about being retired, is that he has more time to spend with his family.  Both of his daughters live close by, and he throws some great "Chuck E. Cheese" pizza parties!  The nine local grandchildren get tokens, tokens, tokens and have so much fun playing with Grandpa at "Chuck E. Cheese".  The other four grandchildren get their opportunity for spending time with him when he travels to Washington.  He's a great grandpa! (And none of his grandchildren have any children.)


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Elvin Knotts can be contacted at knottsep@earthlink.com.

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