Elvin F. Knotts' Family


You know what they say about, "Behind every great man..."  Well, it could never be more true than with Elvin Knotts' woman --

Pat Knotts.  -- She has truly been the wind beneath his wings.  While Dad was away "achieving", Mom was "achieving" in a much subtler yet no less important way at home.  She cooked and cleaned and ironed, taught us those skills, and kept things in order; but her truly significant achievement was the example she set for us kids.  She taught us kindness.  She taught us love.  She taught us to do our best.  She taught us to lean on the Lord.  She taught us things of everlasting value.

Elvin Knotts has three grown children; a son and two daughters.  

His son, Mike Knotts, lives in Washington with his wife, Tracey, their four daughters, Lauren, Megan, Karen and Allison, and their new baby boy, Eric.  Mike is a Sergeant for the Police Force and Tracey homeschools their children.  

His daughter, Angie Regalado, lives in Texas with her husband, Teo, their two daughters, Jessica and Veronica, and their son, Kevin.  They are in the restaurant business, and Angie homeschools their children.

I'm his other daughter, Sherry Escobedo.  I live with my husband, Humberto, and our six children in Texas.  We have three boys, BJ, Diego, and Zekiel; and three girls, Mandy, Niki, and Shyla.  Humberto is a Systems Analyst/Senior Programmer for a large mutual funds company, and I homeschool our children.  We live on a small farm and operate a small computer business from our home.  Humberto does database programming, and the kids and I build Web Sites.   

That makes 14 grandchildren for Elvin Knotts.  Here they are in order of age:

16 BJ Escobedo
16 Lauren Knotts
14 Jessica Regalado
13 Mandy Escobedo
12 Megan Knotts
12 Veronica Regalado
11 Karen Knotts
9 Kevin Regalado
9 Diego Escobedo
8 Allison Knotts
7 Niki Escobedo
6 Zekiel Escobedo
4 Shyla Escobedo
just months Eric Knotts

Elvin Knotts' parents and sister, Betty Knotts, have passed away; but his other two sisters joined in the celebration of his induction into the Iowa Aviation Hall of Fame on July 17, 1998.

His sister, Audrey Dahleen, lives with her husband Russell in Illinois.  They traveled to Iowa to join in Elvin's Induction Activities.

His sister, Neva Peterson, lives in Iowa.  She has lived alone since her husband, Alden, passed away last year.   What a change of pace "Aunt Neva" had in July.  She graciously opened her home up to her brother, Elvin, all of his family -- wife, kids, grandkids, and sister.  (It always was such fun going to Aunt Neva's!)  That meant 23 house guests!  While us out-of-towners were in Iowa, we got to see Neva's boys too, Mark and Jon and Jon's lovely wife, Vicky.

What a wonderful reunion!

Elvin Knotts and his whole family all together!

Elvin Knotts receiving the high honor of being inducted into the Iowa Aviation Hall of Fame! 

We are proud of you Elvin / Dad / Grandpa!


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Family For Grandpa Scrapbook

Elvin Knotts can be contacted at knottsep@earthlink.com

This is a WebWink website.   Direct questions or comments to Escobedo@webwink.com .